Benefits of Remote Work for Employees

With the rapid increase in technology, we are in the midst of a changing work environment; work flexibility and remote work is something employees are searching for more than ever before. However, some employees are skeptical about making the transition from working in office to at home. But studies have shown that the opportunity for remote work results in overall increased happiness and work life balance for employees, as well as an increase in productivity. Here are some of the main reasons for employees to embrace telecommuting and remote work:

Increased Productivity

Studies found that productivity actually increases when employees had the opportunity to work from home compared to the employees that came into the office every day. 86% of employees say they’re most productive when they work alone. Employees surveyed also said the place they go when they really need to buckle down is their home office, even if they are not a remote employee. This can be attributed to less office interruptions when you are working at home, such as coworkers stopping by your desk, a loud environment, in-person meetings and more.

Atmosphere Customized to the Employee

Another cause for increased productivity is that employees that work remotely can customize their work environment to what works best for them. For some employees this could be a quiet room in the house with a closed door and a relaxing atmosphere. For others it could be the opportunity to work on the couch or at the kitchen table. The other benefit to customizing your work environment is the opportunity to switch it up when needed, such as going to a coffee shop or co-working space when you crave a change of scenery or need some new inspiration.

No Commute

Starting your morning with a commute full of traffic, means you are already stressed before even sitting down at your desk for the workday. The average commute time in the United States is 26.1 minutes each way, almost one-hour round trip per day. This gives remote employees that one-hour-plus, per day back for themselves to: get in a workout, some extra sleep, family time or simply start their work day earlier. By cutting out the commute time, the average full-time telecommuter gains back the equivalent of 11 work days every year. All of these options help employees create a better work-life balance by allowing them more time to do the things they want to do outside of work.

Set Hours that Work Best for You

In addition to customizing your atmosphere, when working remotely you can also adjust your schedule to better suit your personality. Each individual has a time of day where they work best, and it is not a one size fits all. While many companies may ask you to be available during normal business hours there may be some flexibility. An early bird who works best in the first half of the day can get their day started an hour earlier when they are fresh. On the other side of the coin, an employee who struggles in the early morning can get a little extra sleep during their gained commute time. In many situations you may be able to finish your work at any time of the day that works for you, meaning night owls can rejoice and finish up the day’s tasks while everyone else is asleep. Since employees are cutting out commute time and any company mandated breaks this also means many employees can finish their work day in less time, once again giving them more time to do what they enjoy outside of work.

Cost Savings

In addition to cutting out the commute time, remote employees also save on the commuting costs of gas, tolls, car wear and tear, professional clothing upkeep and outside lunches. Full-time telecommuters save more than $4,000 each year by cutting out these additional expenses almost entirely.

Better Health

Working from home rather than an office has also been shown to lead to better health. 82% of telecommuters reported lower stress levels because remote work offers more time for physical activity and opportunity to eat healthier. Taking out commute time and being in the office all day gives remote employees the opportunity to exercise right before starting their workday, or even taking a mid-day workout class as their lunch break. It also gives you access to your whole kitchen at mealtime, meaning you are less likely to run out for fast food when you are hungry. Telecommuting reduces overall stress and the exposure to illness and germs.

What do you think the benefits are for remote work?



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