Networking Tips and Opportunities in the Life Science Industry

From entry to executive level, networking is one of the best ways to increase your chances of being hired for a job. In the hyper-competitive pharmaceutical industry, this could be key to setting you apart from other applicants. 40% of total hires come from an employee referral, which is why increasing your network can put you in a better position for future roles. There are many different ways to network specific to the life sciences industry and we have compiled a few ways to get you started.


Start with Your LinkedIn Profile

The first networking step we would recommend to candidates is to create a LinkedIn. The power of social media continues to grow and is the easiest avenue to get your name out in your industry. Start by working on your profile. Making it look professional and keeping it up to date will help others find you and get an overall impression of your background and capabilities. Make sure you have a professional headshot, and tailor your experience to the types of roles you are applying for. Next, follow companies you are interested in to see their updates and job postings. Don’t forget to connect and engage with former colleagues and classmates and if you’re open to be contacted by recruiters, you can “let recruiters know you’re open” in your privacy settings. Once your profile is updated it will be more easily searched by companies and recruiters looking to hire.


Join LinkedIn Groups

After your profile is up to date, you can start joining groups. LinkedIn is full of networking groups specific to your job and your industry. Many of these groups are a great place to interact with your peers and to learn about industry trends. To get started, do a search based on your desired position and join a few. Join at least one group that discusses trends so you are up to date on news when you go to interview. You can also join groups specific to hiring, where many recruiters may post relevant jobs.


A few general groups to start with: 


Training Opportunities

Training events are an excellent way to not only gain more knowledge and advance yourself within your field but they can double as networking opportunities. Participating in online or in person training is another way to develop your personal and professional network because you are surrounded by like minded working professionals. Even online seminars have chat rooms where participants from all across the world can connect with one another and engage in the session. This year PharmaOut attended the REdI conference in Boston hosted by the FDA. This event provided us with an in-depth understanding of the regulatory aspects of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device industry and even provided up to 12 credits towards a participant’s RAC recertification upon full completion. PharmaLessons offers many courses, some even free to help you advance in the industry.


Local Networking Groups 

No matter where you live there are many opportunities to network in your area by joining local networking groups. Networking groups in your area may range from your local Young Professionals group to very specific ones such as “Medical Device Marketers in the Bay Area”. You can search Google and LinkedIn to find the best groups based on geographical location. In addition, your university may have alumni chapters throughout the country to connect its graduates. There are also many websites and apps dedicated to connecting people with local groups, check and Eventbrite to find networking events happening near you.


Networking Events- PharmaOut at DIA San Diego 2019

In addition to local networking events, there are many large events throughout the country created for the purpose of gathering like-minded professionals together to collaborate. A networking event is a great opportunity to connect with others face-to-face, and is the most effective type of networking. You can find events very specific to your job title and your industry within the life sciences sector. Finding the right event for you is just as important as showing up, so it is imperative to do your research. An upcoming event you may want to look into is the DIA Annual Meeting where PharmaOut will be exhibiting!


DIA Annual Meeting

The Drug Information Association hosts an annual conference to gather stakeholders from across the country to discuss innovation in healthcare product development and lifecycle management. This is a great opportunity for professionals in pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device communities to come together and network along with over 400 exhibiting companies. DIA provides a neutral environment to discuss key policy topics and its interaction with realistic work knowledge to ultimately aid in the advancement of organizations’ growth in drug development. This year’s event is June 23-27th in San Diego, California.


If you are attending DIA come see PharmaOut at booth #2102 to discuss how we can be a strategic partner for your Consulting, HR, Staffing or Job Search needs.

 For registration and rates use our promo code VIP19368 & HALL19368 to get $100 off your registration or a $150 exhibit hall only day pass. 

 We look forward to meeting you!


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